Sunday, May 18, 2008

School Prayer

The issue of school prayer continues to arise within the government.  Liberals do not believe in allowing school prayer, and therefore support the "separation of church and state."  They feel that by allowing prayer in public schools, students will be left out, and pushed away from their friends.  Usually school prayer refers to the Christian viewpoints, and therefore would leave out all other religions.  Conservatives believe that since our country was created with Christian viewpoints, school prayer should be allowed.  They try to follow the constitution, and think that it never says there is "separation of church and state", that is just the first amendment.   Conservatives think that making restrictions on school prayer is not giving people freedom, because that prevents them from religion in school.  They believe it brings unity, and that there is nothing wrong with it.
In my opinion I do not think there should be prayer in school, because it just divides people even more.  With the many issues relevant in our world today, the conservatives are just turning people against one another by having prayer in school.  For all of the students who are different religions, or do not believe in a religion, they are getting left out, and hurt for no reason.  This presentation went pretty well.  All of the media and clips fit their topic, and showed the main differences between the two views.  Though it was difficult to speak from a conservative point of view, since I strongly oppose it, I tried, and I think the discussion went pretty well.

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