Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gay Rights

Gay rights have been discussed continuously over the years.  Liberals believe that anyone should be able to marry who they choose, no matter their sex, and should also have the same rights as straight couples.  Conservatives, on the other hand, are stuck in the past, and following old religious, Christian documents to determine their beliefs.  They feel that the marriage is a bond between a man and a woman only.  Also, since they do not recognize gays as married, they therefore do not give them the same rights that a straight couple would have.  
I am liberal, and feel that anyone should be able to choose their partner, no matter their sex, because all people should be treated equally.  People do not choose to be homosexual, it is in their genetics, so they should not be discriminated against for something that they can not control.  Getting married affects no one else, and everyone should be allowed to participate in this sacred bond.  Overall, I feel that the class discussion and presentation went pretty well.  All the clips and points the group made were well thought out, and did not stray from the topic.  I luckily was liberal, because I could not even thick of one support for the conservative side, so when we switched sides in the last five minutes, I did not know what to say.  It is very hard when you believe so strongly against something to make points to support the other side of the argument. 

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