Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Abortion is a very touchy subject, and there are two main beliefs on the issue.  Liberals believe in pro-choice, or the ability for a person to decide for themselves if they want an abortion or not.  On the other hand, Conservatives are very against abortion, and believe that it is killing an innocent child.  This view goes hand in hand with the Catholic beliefs.  The huge issue is that even if abortions are illegal, just as many people will continue to have them illegally in back alleys, and in dangerous situations.  In the second article it talks about "the lesser of two evils" and many conservatives and liberals believe that anything "short of making abortions illegal" will help to reduce the amount of people having them.  Though many people do believe that an abortion is the taking of a human life, the most that really can be done is to try and convince people to refrain from having abortions, because even with abortions being illegal, people will continue to have them.
I am a believer in pro-choice, because I feel that it should be a mothers decision if they want to give up their child, however, people should be more informed about the different issues so having abortions does not become almost second nature.  I presented today, and I feel that it went pretty well.  Though we did not have a ton of time for the discussion, we produced many well thought out points, that really got people thinking.  Our song, video, and TV show really helped to portray our theme.  Though some people in the discussion would keep saying the same things in different words, and never bring up new points even when we asked alternate questions, I feel that overall, the presentation was a success.

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