Saturday, March 1, 2008

Generation Gaps

During the 1950s it seemed that a huge generation gap was occurring between parents and their 14-17 year old teenagers.  It was interesting to see how parents were still into the classic roles and positions of the nuclear family, however, with the rise of Elvis, everything began to change.  With his risqué movement, and open talk of sexuality, he appealed to the younger generation, causing them to want to rebel against their close minded parents.  Due to this, Elvis had to deal with the parents degrading him, and trying to bring him down at any chance they got.  In my opinion, Elvis was just trying to bring out the world of Rock and Roll, while attempting to reform this racist, closed minded society to which he lived in.  It is amazing to me to see how much one young boy can change the world.  Elvis not only caused the future to be a more open, and exciting place, but he truly was able to stand strong to his will, moving out of the societal norm, while in the process altering the minds of those around him.  The power of Elvis and his Rock and Roll, had such a great effect on the people, and he truly made the younger population much more socially advanced, while in the process, creating one of the largest generational gaps ever.


Katie Baer said...

It's truly amazing how one person had such an impact on the world. There has always been a generation gap...nowadays it feels as though adults speak a whole other language, lol u kno? its like omg! rofl. i think if i said LOL to my mom she would just stare at me, yet I know what it means. It's really Elvis who got the ball rolling. Without him...who knows? Maybe teenage girls wouldn't worship hot celebrities. and what a scary, scary world that would be.

Lea said...

I agree with you too. There was a huge generational gap. Teenage girls were definitely thinking about sex more than their parents and their parents knew it. That probably accounted for part of the generational gap as well.