Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Communication is authentic to my subculture.  Even though this is somewhat related to technological advancements, I still feel that our generation has lost a lot of people skills by only talking through electronics.  Kids of my generation have started to rely on facebook, texting, aim, and many other things instead of actually talking to someone face to face.  We are loosing our social skills by only communicating through the computer.  People are able to express their feelings better when they are not actually talking face to face, so it is limiting human interactions.  It is scary to think that kids are relying so much on these forms of technology, and have nearly abandoned all other forms of communication.

            Even though these forms of technology have influenced our generation a lot, there is still the fact that we really do not have anything besides a negative to be authentic about our generation.  It is sad that we seem to be the “copycats” of the world.  Nothing we do is original; it is all just trying to reproduce things we have already seen.  Our generation at this point has done nothing spectacular or life changing, but has just sat around mimicking what others have done before us.  It is time that we make a change in the world for the better, and truly show people what our generation has to offer.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

In a way, I can see how this statement is valid.  It is true that advertisers, are doing everything they can in order to understand our generation, however, I wouldn't necessarily say that it is a shame.  This quote seems to say that it is as if the advertisers are listening to us the most, and no one else is, when in fact, there are many people listening to what we want.  It really is not bad that advertisers are searching into our lives, because in order to sell a product, they need to understand our generation.  They are only fulfilling their jobs, by doing this.  This statement seems to almost contradict what an advertisers job is, when in fact, all they are trying to do is create products for us.  We should be happy that they are trying so hard to please us, instead of scolding them.